Anxiety Therapy in Denver

Feeling anxious is often something we try to avoid or alleviate, because we don’t enjoy feeling this way… but…

Anxiety Has a Purpose

We often try to fight it off or run away from it (fight or flight), believing it is our enemy. We need to pay attention to our anxiety and what it is telling us in order to make it useful. Talking through your feelings is more productive than having them spin around in your head. When you allow your thoughts and feelings to come out, clarity will often start to follow. Additionally, with the support of anxiety therapy, you can become more aware of where your anxiety (as well as sadness, anger, fear) is rooted. Together, we can also find ways that will work best for you to alleviate these difficult feelings, after developing a better understanding of them. Anxiety can feel very isolating - in anxiety therapy with us, you’ll know you’re not alone.

There is compelling evidence that therapy for anxiety and depression can change the brain in similar ways to medication. We can help you to identify the negative thought patterns that you may have a habit of falling back on and replace them with more positive habits.

Dylan and Jenn both work with clients navigating anxiety. Click below to learn more about them:

What does Anxiety look and feel like?

Anxiety looks and feels different for different people and even different circumstances for the same person.

Mental/Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety:

Racing thoughts|Difficulty concentrating| Worry|Fear|Overthinking|Irritability|Hypervigilance| Heightened awareness|Dread|Panic|

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety:

Restless|Tense|Difficulty sleeping|Loss of appetite| Overeating|Headaches|Hair loss|Lowered immune system| Stomachaches|Dizziness|Faster, harder heartbeat|Shakiness| Hot flushes|Blushing|Shallow breathing|Sweating|

Experiences of Anxiety:

Discomfort in social settings

Inability to let go Need for others’ approval

Planning in order to try to gain control Feeling responsible for others’ happiness

Difficulty trusting yourself