Dating and Relationship Counseling

open relationship therapy
same sex relationship therapy

We provide support to individuals working through relationship issues and braving the dating world.

relationship therapy
relationship support

If you are navigating romantic relationships, family, friends, or situationships, we are here to help.

We support individuals seeking skills to develop deeper, more satisfying connections with others, working to identify patterns within yourself and the relationship, or trying to determine whether to remain in a relationship or go another direction. For romantic relationships, if you are engaged in couples therapy, we can provide supplemental support to that journey, as well as help you explore whether couples therapy might be a beneficial avenue to try, if you haven't already.

Healthy Relationship Development

Consistent with our commitment to inclusivity and diversity, at Connecting Paths Therapy, we provide a safe space to discuss diverse types of relationships, including polyamorous, open, interracial, or same-sex romantic relationships, the diverse spectrum of friendship types, and other relationship types.  Our focus is on helping you become the partner, friend, or family member you truly desire to be.


Some of the things you may be struggling with in Dating or Longer-term Relationships that we can work on with you:

  • Seeming to land in the same unhealthy relationship dynamics again and again, despite efforts to change

  • Discomfort with conflict/confrontation/criticism, and aversion to or avoidance of vulnerability

  • Over-reliance on external validation or people-pleasing

  • Issues with assertiveness/boundary setting

  • Needing help identifying and advocating for your own needs, emotional or other

  • Feeling like you’re not presenting as the “real you” and engaging more in surface-level relationships rather than forming meaningful connections

Ways We Can Help

  • We offer education on attachment styles and support you as you work toward establishing a more secure attachment

  • Work together to discover more about yourself, your reactions and motivations and what’s behind them

  • Help you to address self-doubt and increase self-worth and self-love

  • Together we can explore uncomfortable feelings you may be having, to try to understand them and utilize them, rather than push them away